
The Calgary Multicultural Choir – Listen to the CMC

What fun it has been, conducting this choir since the fall of 2005.

The ‘learnings’ for me, at first, were as large as for the choir members.

I had sung in Italian, German, French, Latin and even Spanish before, but never in Hungarian, Mende, Hebrew or Estonian, (to name only a few of the languages that we have sung!)

This is a warm and friendly, but hard working group of singers.

The choir has continued to honour the original intent; to explore the songs from different cultures and to perform them in the community. We have a music committee who works hard to find music that is an authentic representation of the music of the different cultures. We are headed by a choir board, who works at creating a joyful experience for the members of the choir.

Twice a year we invite a visit from potential members. We welcome people who are willing to put in a little extra time between practices to sing thru their songs. The faster we learn the songs the sooner we get to the ‘music’.

Being Brave in 2020 🙂

35th Anniversary Concert

For more information, please check out the website;


A Prayer For Choir Members


Calgary Music Makers Choir

Embracing Winter Music Video – December 2020
